Education Project 2017 School Supply Distribution

Sep 27, 2017

After such success in 2016, it was an easy decision to know what event we would do for our Education Project in 2017. We were going to move ahead to provide the students of all the schools in Igosun, Kwara State Nigeria with exercise books for the 2017/2018 school year. We realized a notebook without a pen still makes it difficult for these children to effectively take the steps necessary to be successful in school. We decided to have produced personalized Ebunlomo Olagunju Foundation pens to distribute to each one of the student when they received their exercise books. What a perfect decision. They were in such awe. Never had they seen a pen quite like this. Not only was it produced in America, but it was colorful and unique. The amazement continued when they tried to write with them and to their amazement, the pens worked. Oh how we take so many things for granted.

It was a successful distribution. Strategically, Isaac Olagunju was in Nigeria to take part in the school supplies distribution. It was very important to us to take the time to pour into these children beyond their supplies. At each school, Isaac delivered a 6 point message of encouragement and motivation to the children that also encouraged their teachers. The six areas of emphasis follow:

  1. Focus on study now, fun later!
  2. Surround yourself with students who are at least as serious as you but preferably people who will push you further.
  3. It’s inevitable, you’re going to face some challenges…remember it’s not unique to you. Simply push through!
  4. The cost of education is worth it – not only the financial cost but the cost of time and focus.
  5. Never be afraid to ask for help.
  6. God is good and His plan is to prosper you and give you a future.

It was reported back by the teachers that his words of encouragement made a great impact on the students. Their attitude toward school changed. They were working harder, being more purposeful and responding better to authority. They were empowered!

It takes a village to raise a child. That is a saying that is frequently heard in Africa. It is so true how each one of us can make a great impact with such little effort. Not only were the children touched, so were their parents, the teachers and the village at large. You are taking part in becoming part of the village that is raising these children. Together we are making a huge impact in peoples lives. Thank you is just not enough. Take a moment to look through the pictures and see the joy, light and life in each one of these children’s faces. That will brighten your day!


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