Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions speak louder than words! As a pastor, I’ve always thought the best message that can be preached is one demonstrated through actions. I don’t mind speaking from the pulpit but it’s often more effective when people are arrested by my actions rather than words.
I am incredibly humbled and thankful that through ACTIONS this past week, I have now had the opportunity to “preach” to Christians, Muslims and pagans alike by demonstrating God’s love through generosity.
Together, we continue to make an impact in Igosun. I have had the opportunity to meet several individuals, Clergy and representatives from Igosun Progressive Union. Dozens of lives have been touched and we are now in the process of launching large scale projects intended to serve the larger community instead of individuals. To say I am excited for the opportunity we have to make a difference is an understatement. I am beyond excited. I feel so blessed and humbled to be part of this amazing opportunity. I am so grateful for you joining me in this vision and on this mission.
I am also planning to do something in one of the churches here that has probably never been done in my state or mostly likely in this country before. It’s going to be good and people are going to be blown away. I will post an update when it happens.
Tomorrow, I am traveling to go preach at Kingdom Proclaimers Baptist Mission in Ilorin (Kwara State’s capital). Next week I will be visiting five schools to release motivational messages of HOPE to the students as well as laying the groundwork for some of the projects we are launching. Please continue to cover me in your prayers.
Nigeria needs a miracle! There’s so much corruption and greed in the system that makes basic things not function. I have been in the country now for eight days and I have had electricity for less than 12 hours since I arrived. The telecommunication system is a mess and when it rains things gets even worse. There are only two seasons in Nigeria, dry and rainy. Yes, it’s currently rainy season in Nigeria! 🙂 I am doing my best to focus on the good that will come from this visit rather than the temporary inconveniences.
Again, thank you so much for your generous support and I pray that God will bless you beyond your wildest imaginations.
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
Greetings from Africa with SO MUCH love and appreciation!